Newport News, VA
Newport News, VA
21.7% Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)
14.1% Woman-owned Business Enterprise (WBE)
26.6 – 29.7% Minorities
6.9% Women
James River SWIFT Facility project includes design and construction of new facilities that will apply advanced water treatment to highly treated wastewater effluent from the James River Treatment Plant. The resulting SWIFT Water will meet drinking water quality standards and be compatible with the Potomac Aquifer. The proposed facility is expected to have a capacity of 13 MGD of advanced treatment.
The purpose of HRSD’s SWIFT Program is to improve the quality of the Chesapeake Bay by reducing surface water discharge of treated effluent; to provide a sustainable source of groundwater to the Potomac Aquifer; and to protect the aquifer by increasing the hydrostatic pressure, which has the potential to prevent saltwater intrusion and to slow, stop or reverse land subsidence related to aquifer withdrawals.
L. S. Caldwell & Associates, Inc. (LSC) had responsibility for the development, implementation, and monitoring of the compliance program for the Hampton Roads Sanitation District’s (HRSD) Sustainable Water Initiative for Tomorrow (SWIFT) program. The SWIFT program is an innovative water treatment project in eastern Virginia designed to further protect the region’s environment, enhance the sustainability of the region’s long-term groundwater supply and help address environmental pressures such as Chesapeake Bay restoration, sea level rise and saltwater intrusion. This ten (10) year multi-billion-dollar program has various funding sources at the state and federal level and is scheduled to be completed in 2030.
Written by: Brittany Ransom