Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.
DC Water
32% Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), 6% Woman-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE)
The Raw Wastewater Pump Station 2 Upgrades involves upgrades to major electrical systems, mechanical equipment, and building within the pump station facility in order to provide continued reliable service over the next 20 years. The prime contractor, ACE Construction, is tasked with relocation and installing new electrical systems from the mezzanine to the first floor of the facility. In addition, they will be replacement raw wastewater motors and rebuilding existing raw wastewater pumps. Lastly, the current building and all appurtenances will be rehabilitated. This project, estimated at $19 million dollars, began in September 2016. Final completion slated for November 2019.
Written by: QueveraAdmin